Forest & Bird - Hibiscus Coast Branch and Pest Free Hibiscus Coast

Here on the peninsula, Ōrewa and surrounds, Forest & Bird staff and volunteers work hard to keep our wildlife safe. This community-based conservation charity works outside of Shakespear Open Sanctuary to support conservation on parks and in backyards in partnership with Auckland Council and other local conservation groups such as Restore Hibiscus & Bays.

Did you know that there are 50 species of native birds and 8 native reptiles living in this area? From the tūturiwhatu, New Zealand dotterel on the beach, to the kākā our forest parrot, birds are thriving here thanks to the work of the groups like this working in close partnership with the community. A growing committee coordinates the activities of the Hibiscus Coast Branch of Forest & Bird, which includes planting days, dotterel protection, community talks and events and our popular kids club, KCC.

Forest & Bird’s Pest Free Hibiscus Coast Project is one of seven National Conservation Projects run by the organisation. A small team of staff and over 150 volunteers are aiming to create a safe haven for native species transitioning from Shakespear along the peninsula and beyond, enjoyed and cared for by the community. Across the country an estimated 100 million birds, eggs and chicks are killed by introduced predators every year.

The project operates a large predator control network across our parks and large private blocks to control rats, stoats and possums in a safe and effective way to help protect native species. Volunteers give over 6000 hours each year to make this work. In addition, anyone living within the project area can sign up for a free, pet safe, humane tested backyard rat trap, or borrow a possum trap. By September 2022 1500 people have already joined, but it takes all of us to make a difference.

There is still much work to be done, 40% of our native birds on the. Hibiscus Coast are at risk due to predation and habitat loss, and Forest & Bird invites you to join us. You can:

  • Order a backyard rat trap through Pest Free Hibiscus Coast or become a trap line volunteer
  • Come along to one of our free events and planting days
  • Volunteer – on the committee or on a project eg dotterel minding or on our bird count.
  • Purchase calendars, diaries and even rat bait from the Hibiscus Coast branch as part of a fundraiser
  • Plant native trees and remove pest plants from your garden
  • Be a responsible pet owner: keep your cat inside, at least at night, desex and chip them and keep dogs under control on our beaches and in the forests.
  • Become a member of Forest & Bird and support our work through an annual or more regular donation.
  • Join your children up to KCC and take part in local activities and receive our awesome magazine.
  • Become a business sponsor

Find out more or contact us by visiting our website or facebook page:

Hibiscus Coast Branch:

Pest Free Hibiscus Coast:

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